無濾過生原酒(季節・数量限定 2月中旬~)
当蔵5代目杜氏(現顧問)中澤礎(なかざわ いしずえ)酒造り道一筋に六十余年、当蔵醸造の礎を築きました。
しっかりとした味ながら、のどごしの柔らかさと独特な酸 『甘・酸・辛・苦・渋』酒の五味の調和した個性ある美酒に仕上がりました。
ロック | 冷 | 室温 | ぬる燗 | 熱燗 |
○ | ◎ | ○ | × | × |
Junmai Ginjo “Maruto Ishizue”
Hoping that our brewery’s traditions and skill will continue for future generations, this sake has been brewed with our home-grown Hitogokochi rice in the traditional kimoto method.
In the spring, it is fresh, unfiltered, unpasteurized sake.
In the fall, it is called “akiagari,” which gains a deeper, more robust flavor as it matures over the summer, with a softer throat feel and a unique acidity. A beautiful sake in which rich and complex flavors achieve perfect harmony.